Thursday, March 28, 2013

Faithfulness and Enjoyment

Tonight at dinner, Susie and I were talking about how we have been experiencing and enjoying God's faithfulness and presence in our life recently.  It's been a nice season where cancer has not dominated our life, and we've been able to enjoy life. 

Susie's latest MRI (last week) continues to be very positive.  Her doctors are very pleased with where she is and thankful that there is no new tumor activity.  Her brain looks great - no growth, no swelling.  They continue to be hopeful that she may have 3-5 years before the tumor comes back. 

Susie and I are gaining more clarity on what life might look like for us after her treatments are over. We have been seeking the Lord for the last several months on next steps for us with AIA, and while we are not ready to share everything yet, we are thankful that things are coming together. 

Tomorrow, we will be heading to Cabo, Mexico with the whole family.  Some of our friends have graciously provided us their home to use on the beach.  We cannot wait!  We are excited to be out in the sun, be by the beach, and just be together as a family enjoying and relaxing.  This has given Susie a level of energy and excitement that I haven't seen in a while.  Duh! 

This week is a great reminder of why we can enjoy life.  Jesus' life of surrender, sacrifice and service for His creation.  God's faithfulness and presence started long before Susie's cancer.  We continue to stand in awe of an amazing God who showers us with His amazing grace every day!

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