Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Week #3

Just to clarify this is Ben, so please lower all expectations of writing genius that is my amazing wife.

So we've started the dreaded week #3.  This is the week they tell you about on the front end.  The week that takes you from, "Oh this isn't so bad," to, "wow, my hair, or in this case, my wife's hair is really starting to fall out!" 

Susie is still as beautiful as ever.  She is at the beginning of the hair shedding stage.  If she's around you, she'll just apologize for the hair that she sheds behind.  She's been a little tired, but really, who isn't.  For whatever reason, Baby Annie is still not sleeping through the night at 4 weeks.  She insists on getting up every 3 hours or so for a feeding and a diaper change!

Thanks for your many prayers for us.  We truly appreciate them.  Thanks also for the cards, gifts and messages you send to us.  We look forward to returning home from treatment to see what the mailman has for us each day. 

We continue to feel loved by our Savior, by each other and by you.  Thanks.  Bless the Lord, O My Soul!

In Him,


P.S.  I recently had the privilege of preaching a sermon.  I entitled it God Wins.  To listen to it please visit:   http://fslumc.org/templates/System/details.asp?id=54337&PG=xCast&LID=9473
Scroll down to the end to find it and listen to it. 

1 comment:

  1. Ben and Susie - I don't know you but I know of you. I am friends with Becky Dell and Stephany Weldon who told me about your story when this journey started for you so many months ago. I am also the secretary at my church. So every week I check your website to look for an update to add to our church prayer list. Your journey has so touched my heart. It has been amazing to read about how God has walked with you through all of this. Every step of the way He has been there. We serve an amazing God! I am praying for you all as are my friends and my church. I love being a part of the family of God where we are all bonded together because of Christ and can pray for each other even when we have never met. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
