Saturday, March 3, 2012

End of the week update

Thanks for your many prayers for us over this last week.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were filled with doctors appointments, and different opinions on what the treatment plan should be.  Here were a few highlights/lowpoints from the week:

  • Our OB team is awesome!  We feel very confident no matter when this baby comes that Susie and the baby are in great hands with our OB team.
  • We met with a doctor who has successfully treated pregnant women with brain tumors before!  This was incredible.  We have looked all over the country without any success, and just 40 miles from our home we find a doctor with experience in this very unique field.
  • We waited over 2 hours on Wednesday to see another doctor - that was not fun.
  • Of the two options of treatment that have been laid out before us, we feel better about both of them.  The various doctors have been able to talk us through the risks to Susie and the baby and we feel good about either plan. 
  • The downside to feeling good about both plans is that we still need some more information before being able to make a final decision.  
  • We are waiting for an MRI next week and a consult with 2 more doctors on our team before making a decision.   
  • We were exhausted by Tuesday and beyond exhausted by Wednesday of this week.
  • Susie and me and the kids have enjoyed a very normal pace over the last few days.
  • Susie has been cleared to drive and exercise, under my supervision (that should go well!)
  • Susie has been able to cook breakfast a few times this week and dinner once.  It was great.  
  • God continues to be ever-present and filling us with His peace during this very hard time.  
  • We are looking forward to a very normal weekend.  
Thanks again for your concern - your prayers, cards, texts, e-mails, financial gifts, other gifts, acts of service, etc have been amazing.  May God truly bless each of you for the ways you have and continue to bless us.

In Him,

Ben & Susie 


  1. Hi Susie and Ben,

    We are amazed that Suzie is allowed to drive and able to cook. God is indeed good! Thank you so much for continuing to update us.

    With love,
    Craig and Margie Fendley

  2. What encouraging news! I am so amazed by your positive attitudes and the way God shines though everything you do! Impressive!!!!

  3. Lots to trust God with! Praying so much for you two, your kiddos, that growing baby. your doctors. He is faithful, isn't He? So glad you are continually living in that reality--what a testimony! Love you guys.

  4. Hello! My name is David Wenzel and I have an astrocytoma as well. Your friend Linda Morgan passed me your info. I know you probably have many many people throwing advice in your direction, but if you are interested in chatting with another cancer fighter, feel free to contact me. I've chosen to go the alternative route and would be more than happy to share the past 2.5 years since my diagnoses. God Bless! My info is over at

  5. Hi, Ben and Susie.

    I am praying for you all every day. You are heavy on my heart. I pray for complete healing for you, Susie, and for strength for you, Ben. I pray that Annie is born completely healthy and your dear children will not fear and will not be angry with God. May our God who is always good show Himself strong in your new situation.

    You are loved.

    Linda Beals
