Thursday, February 9, 2012


Thanks so much for all your prayer, encouragement and support for our family. We are truly thankful.

Susie has been recovering and doing well. She was transferred out of ICU yesterday and has been making great progress on the floor. She is moving on her own, talking, laughing, and making others laugh as well. The focus for her over the next few weeks will be to rest and recover from the surgery. She still has quite a headache, which is normal, considering someone opened up her brain. Her goal to be everyone's favorite patient has been achieved! Doctors, nurses, technicians all love coming in to care for her. Her courage and faith have been having an impact on those that are caring for her.

She may get discharged as early as tomorrow so she can rest at home. Our kids were able to come to the hospital today to see her and that went well. Susie has a new haircut, some swelling on her face and a pretty nasty black eye. She looks pretty tough! Actually, she looks as beautiful as ever.

We are still waiting for the pathology reports to come back to determine what the next steps are. Please pray that God would grant us peace and wisdom as we wait.

With love and thanksgiving,



  1. So wonderful to hear! Keep the updates coming!

  2. This is great news! Praying for the path report in addition to speedy and complete healing.

  3. We are praying from Naples, Fla. "We" includes Scott Mottice's parents, 2 aunts & an uncle. Other family members thro'out the USA are also praying. We have been praying since the beginning of the week when Scott told us of the surgery & we will continue to pray for Susie & the family thro' the recovery process. You both are a great inspiration as you continue to praise God for all blessings in spite of the trials that you are experiencing.

  4. yay! i have tears in my eyes just picturing susie being goofy as ever making people laugh and feel welcome! i haven't stopped praying for you all.

  5. Dear Ben and Susie, Just wanted to give a shout-out and let you know that I am praying for you folks as well as the kids. Thank you for taking the time and energy to keep posting on your blog. With care and love, Matthew

  6. SO thankful all has gone well thus far! So encouraged by your faith. You guys are truly a LIGHT to the dark world. We will be continuing to hold you up in prayer!! Maybe Susie should consider auditioning for some sort of "Geico" commercial : )

  7. Ben,
    Thanks so much for your update. You, Susie and your family have been on my heart and in our prayers so much over the past week. We are praying the Lord will continue to heal Susie completely! Our hearts are with you as you wait to hear the results of the pathology reports.
    Love you all, Lisa and John Reutener
