Friday, February 17, 2012

Dear Friends and Family,

Susie and I just want to say thank you for the many ways you have loved us over the last few weeks - prayers, texts, calls, gift cards, acts of service, inviting your networks to pray, facebook, website messages, etc.  As I was reading this morning in Exodus 17, a few things that God impressed & encouraged me with: 

  • God provided water for the Israelites when they were thirsty.  
    • God has and will always provide for every need, regardless of how big or small.  Thank you for the ways you are helping us.  
  • Moses, Aaron and Hur prayed while Joshua was engaged in the battle.
    • Susie and I are in a season where we need people to pray for us as we battle.  Susie and I are so thankful for the ways you have been praying for us.  We are thankful for how you have engaged others to pray on our behalf as well.  
  • God wanted Joshua (the one who was battling) to know that He would defeat the Amalekites and blot it from their memory.
    • We praise and thank God that some day, hopefully this side of heaven, Susie's cancer will be defeated and she will be made whole.  
God is gracious to us and we are so thankful for His love, grace and mercy.  Thanks for being tangible expressions of His character to us.


Ben  & Susie

This video of Ben was filmed today at the Athletes in Action Chapel.


  1. Ben, you're something else. I love you both!

  2. Ben, Thank you so much for sharing this and sharing your honest heart with us. Our prayers are with you just as much as they are with Susie during this time. You are so loved and special to your earthly family.

  3. Hi Ben and Susie...

    I understand the road you guys are walking. The battle belongs to the Lord. Don't squander a single moment. Just love each other...

    Ben. If you want to talk about your "ton of things swirling", you can give me (and David) a call 937 321 7711. We love you guys and our hearts are breaking for you as we pray for you.

    Laura (Short)

  4. Love you guys. Thank you for your transparency. Thanks for being willing to share your hearts with us... we so wish we could be there in person with the rest of the AIA team that is walking this road with you guys. We love you both. You are an encouragement and a blessing to us all.

  5. Dear Ben and Susie, Eric and Lois here expressing our love to you and your family. Having watched your video (AIA chapel ?) I was touched by your sound mind and ability to discern all that is before you. It is evident to us that you are both walking in His grace and this captures my attention and is very humbling to me. Please know our hearts cry out for God to touch you every day. Sending our love XOXO Eric and Lois

  6. Our prayers are with your family tonight and throughout this journey! SOOO thankful for all the support you have there and around the world through the body of Christ. Thanks for sharing these personal things with us so that we can pray more specifically. Was just studying 2 Corinthians 1 today about the "God of all comfort", the impact that the prayers of others had on Paul's deliverance, and the impact his suffering had on the world. Praying that through everything, God is glorified and many are encouraged and drawn to Jesus. We love you guys!

  7. thank you so much for posting the video. can't stop thinking about ya'll...
